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Janine Jansen with S. Makarova, T. Ridout, D. Blendulf & G. Varga

Description Description Beschreibung

Mozart loved the viola. He played it very well and, it is said, greatly appreciated its full and warm sound; in his quartets, he considerably developed the role of this instrument, which had been secondary until then; and, with his Symphony Concertante, he even made it –  finally – the equal of the violin. A hybrid work, halfway between symphony and concerto, this piece is a real gem. The orchestral textures are dense – undoubtedly informed by the advances of the Mannheim school, which Mozart had frequented – and the solo parts of great melodic richness, the whole remaining deeply coherent, tinged with a modest lyricism.

In contrast to this delicate restraint, Haydn’s Fourth Symphony is brimming with energetic freshness, shot through with irrepressible gaiety: three contrasting movements follow one another in rapid succession, but the solidity of a deeply balanced structure gives the sound edifice an air of simplicity that makes it particularly easy for the listener to approach.

Gilbert Varga will also lead the Festival Orchestra in Grieg’s famous Holberg Suite, while this robust program will be completed by a premiere by Richard Dubugnon, a leading composer on the contemporary musical scene. The evening promises to be stimulating and varied – as is customary when Janine Jansen presides over the festivities!

Programme Program Programm

Symphonie n°4 en ré majeur  /  J. Haydn

Symphonie concertante pour violon, alto et orchestre en mi bémol majeur  /  W.A. Mozart

"Piccolo Concerto Grosso", Op. 87 (World premiere)  /  R. Dubugnon

Suite "Holberg" Op. 40  /  E. Grieg

Artistes Artists Künstler

Lieu du concert Concert location Konzertort

Promenade des Pêcheurs 10
1950 Sion

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