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Musique en fête

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Description Description Beschreibung

Great occasions are always lived in music, and one would not conceive of an official event depriving oneself of its services; music is everywhere. It enhances the triumphs of political life with its brilliance, welcoming the elected representatives with sound bands; it underlines the highlights of the calendars, accompanying national holidays and commemorating all kinds of its solemn agreements; it is she, too, who salutes the performances of athletes from all countries, who are awarded medals to the sound of hymns; it is she, always, who gives depth and elevation to the ceremonies of the most diverse religions, and who surrounds the deceased with her comforting sweetness, in the days of farewell. Linked to the joys and pains of public life, music also creeps into the intimacy of our personal lives; there again, not a birthday, not a wedding, not a festive encounter that is not marked by its presence; it leads the voices into the exultation of shared songs, and the bodies into the joy of dancing.


Today, we want to return the favor to this lifelong friend, and in turn celebrate her. No official celebration is the pretext for this crazy day; it will simply be, without rhyme or reason, to show our amazement, our joy – our gratitude? – to music and musicians. In the streets, in the squares, about ten free concerts will make the city resonate, for the sole pleasure of putting music in the centre for a few hours. She’s waiting for you, she’s celebrating. Come in large numbers!



Download the comprehensive timetable (pdf)

  Time Musicians Place
1️ 07:00 Ensemble Valéik Église des Jésuites
2️ 08:00 IgnisTrio (musique de chambre) Cour Platea
3️ 09:00 « 3-4 trop tard »
Sextuor de trombones
Cour à Bruno


4️ 10:00 Duo Accordiano
(piano & accordéon)
Fondation de Wolff
5️ 11:00 Duo “19/11”
Michel Angelo, guitare
Didier Métrailler, percussions
Home du Glarier
6️ 12:15 Cativeiro et son ensemble Bantu Brasil

Spectacle de Capoeria

Pique-nique brésilien
Avec la Favela Chic et #sionmaville
49.-/2 personnes (sans réservation, places limitées)

Jardin de la Préfecture
7️ 13:30 Swing Maniak Arcades de la Grenette
8️ 14:30 Campus Musicus Eglise St-Théodule
9️ 15:30 Récital de voix et guitare d’inspiration brésilienne

Pauline Lugon & Johanna Hernandez

Musée de l’Evêché
10 16:30 Ecole de Musique de l’Harmonie de Sion Jardin de l’Evêché
11 17:30 Duo ConCordis
I. Goudeva, contrebasse & chant
G. Vassilev, guitare
Jardin Hemmler (accès par la place Ambuel)

Access Map

Plan des lieux de concert de la journée Musique en fête

Brazilian Picnic Menu

  • Salade pastèque fêta olives…
  • Salade libanaise pois chiche concombre tomates olives poivrons…..
  • Salade russe (sans œuf)
  • Tranches de rôti aux tomates séchées et Ricola …
  • Carpaccio de saumon mariné à l’huile d’olive et zestes d’agrumes….
  • Olives noires marinées façon favéla …
  • Tranche bruscheta de cake maison à l’emmental et panchetta fumée …
  • Bruschetta de pâte de sardines maison et bruschetta de poêlés de légumes sautés
  • Citronnade



Lieu du concert Concert location Konzertort

Vieille ville de Sion
vieille ville
1950 sion

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